What a week at the lake! Here I am wishing I was still swimming in the water at about 8:00 at night. (Worthmans- notice she is carrying Sweet Pea)

Kellen thinks we should be swimming, too!

I spent HOURS in the water. I absolutely loved it and Mommy and Daddy noticed how much easier it was for them to have me in the water this year. I could swim around on my own with my lifejacket on. They didn't have to be next to me all the time. Just watching! :)

Here I am with Alex and Lilly. I only see Alex about once a year, but we became fast buddies. He's 4 and I really like him. Both of our parents are wondering if they are going to have to worry about us in about 10 years. hehe.

A beautiful sunset view from our cabin.

Alex and I on the swing. Notice we are holding hands.

Grandma and Grandpa with their grandkids.

Lilly, Kellen and I went with our mommies to Carlos Creek Winery. We had fun running around.

We saw LOTS of frogs.

In the Wine Barrel!

Lilly is pointing out the froggies to us.

We couldn't have asked for a better week. This was the view every night. Every day was full of swimming and beach fun!

Running on the beach! (That's me in front, and Lilly in the background)

Can you tell I'm tired and sunburned?