Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm Three!

Today I turn 3 years old! I'm really starting to understand what this birthday thing is all about. I brought cupcakes to daycare and all my friends got one. Mommy and Daddy made my favorite spaghetti and let me blow out a candle on my cupcake, too! I needed a little help with that, my aim wasn't so good. I don't know all the normal stats, because my checkup is in a couple of weeks, so I'll let you know how big I've gotten.
These pictures were taken this weekend. If you want to see them all, click on the link on the right for my 3 year pics. There are a lot! Some of my and mommy and daddy, too!
Mommy and Daddy think I'm pretty smart for a just turned-3 year old. I know lots of shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, oval, and octagon. I am pretty good at colors, too. I know all my ABCs and the sounds they make and the song! My favorite songs to sing are ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle, and "the shadow song". Happy Birthday is quickly climbing the charts, as is the "wonder pets" theme song. I seem to throw out a new vocabulary word every day, much to the amusement of others. I'm also developing my fashion sense. I let Mommy know if things don't match, and if I plain don't want to wear a shirt, I say "It's too small".
Phrases I use almost too much are: "I don't like it" (food) "MOMMY!!! Come here a second!" and "You're not coming to my birthday party!"
Cute ones are: "you wanna play with me?" and "I'm gonna go nigh-nigh. I wanna read Snort book, and Birthday monsters, and jammy book and......"
Well, that's enough for now. Hopefully my party this weekend brings in some warm weather!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


This weekend we went to G&G Nuytten's farm. Lilly and Kellen and Josh and Lori were there, too! It was so much fun! Here are a few pictures of me playing in my Great Uncle Joe and Great Aunt Shirley's new "shed". It was a lot of fun running around and playing bean bags.... until I realized it was past my bedtime. Then I let it be known that I was leaving! :(

Get ready Lake Miltona, I'm going to be the '09 beanbag champ!

Grandma and Grandpa had an Easter Egg Hunt for me and my cousins. After hearing what happened to the eggs at G&G Pilney's, these ones got filled with coins! I probably had enough candy, anyhow.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Eggs!

I found a little bunny statue!

Snuggling with cousin Rachel.

More Easter Pics

My Pilney Cousins. Rachel, Me, Lydia, and Harrison.

Harrison helped me find a blue one!

Easter at the Pilney's

Rachel helps me find eggs!

Here's a pink one!

Blowing bubbles!

Like my pretty dress?

Finding my Easter Basket


The Easter Bunny came to my house while I was at church. I LOVE the Easter Bunny!
Here is a picture of me when I first saw my basket!

My first trip to the MN Zoo!

Mommy and I both had a day off- so we went to the zoo. It was quite evenful- which is a whole other story- but we had fun once we got there. I know there aren't any pictures of me with real animals, but trust me, I saw a lot! Here I am sitting on a pig!
I liked to play inside this toy barn. I especially liked the horsey.

Here I am with the fishies. I love looking at fish and dolphins and sharks.

Look at the BIG BEAR!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring-time Fun

When the snow melts, fun puddles are made. I love jumping in them with my boots on!

Baseball season has begun. Mommy and daddy tried to teach me the finer points of the game. I've got swinging that bat and cheering down pat. Running the bases? I tend to go straight to 2nd base and back. I'll work on it!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A step in the right direction

There are no pics of me in this post because mommy didn't want to ruin the moment with a camera. I used my potty 2 times in the last 2 days! This may seem small, but mommy and daddy are making such a fuss, it must be big news. Both times were around bath time. The first time, I didn't want to sit in the tub, and I told daddy I had to go poopies. Daddy grabbed me out of the tub fast and plopped me on the potty. No poopies, but a successful trip- you know what I mean.
The 2nd time, mommy had just finished giving me a bath and I sat myself on the potty. I got to blow bubbles while I sat there. Another success. Then I got to flush it and yell "bye-bye pee-pees!" It was fun. Hopefully more to come!