Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Story Time!

I am like my mommy- I love a good book. Here I am relaxing on the couch reading Elmo's Play Day, a book I got for my birthday from my Great Uncle Jeff and Great Aunt Kris. I love it because it is about bubbles and has buttons that make noise. Ah, this is more comfortable.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Let's Play

Here is a video of me playing with mommy and daddy. At first daddy is scaring me for fun... There was a video much like this when I wasn't even one yet... mommy will have to put it on later... they are strikingly similar. :)

Ice Cream, Daddy!

Whenever daddy has ice cream, I HAVE to have some too. I run over to him yelling, "PLEASE!" it is delicious stuff. Other fun things I do lately-
I know pretty much all of my ABCs. Daddy quizzed me, and I only got 2 wrong- Q and V. I have also graduated from the word "NO" to "No, DON'T DO THAT!"
I like to get people to follow me by saying, "C'mon Daddy!" or "C'mon Mommy" or "C'mon _____" I love to color a lot, but according to me, every color is yellow. Mommy is home with me 3 days a week, so she lets me crawl in her & daddy's bed and we read books. Then I have mommy pretend she is asleep and I tickle her awake. "Teekoe, Teekoe!"

Fun with Cousin Lydia!

My cousin Lydia and I had lots of fun at the cabin this weekend. She helped me sleep really good at night, too, by wearing me out. We watched movies together, ate snacks and ran, ran, ran and ran some more.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Simple Pleasures

With a beautiful dose of weather- it was time to break out the swimsuit and the sprinkler. I LOVED the water- this was my first time running through the sprinkler. This is also proof that it is cute to have a little meat on your bones. :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Fun in the Sun

When mommy and daddy were playing kickball- I went and stayed at Debbie's across the street. Her daughters did my hair really cute. Then I played outside with mommy and daddy when they got home. Is this a picture of the future basketball star?
Water break!
Here is my tent I got from Grandma and Grandpa Pilney for my birthday this year... It is finally nice enough to use it, but we had it in the garage because it was so windy!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Oh, NO! the big 6-0!

This weekend we threw a big party for Grandma. She turned 60! Here is a picture of me and my mommy, and my grandma and her mommy- so 4 generations of Van Overbeke... to celebrate Grandma! Yeah! Grandma opening presents- she got an outdoor weather station for on the porch- I wasn't so impressed- but she liked it and mommy and daddy thought it was nice.
Here I am having some lunch- look at my red cheeks. I had so many fun playmates!
Kellen, Tessa (mommy's cousin Jimmy's daughter) and me all ate together. we shared.
Uncle Josh rented this big bouncy that looked like a bug on top. I was scared of it and didn't go in, but lots of my cousins liked it!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The dock is in! Let's go SWIMMIN'!

This past weekend, grandma and grandpa Pilney put in their new dock at the cabin. I played with the blow- up water toys on the deck while it was being put in. I loved the swimming ring- I played with it all day. I can't wait to get it in the water! Here is Daddy, Grandpa and Uncle Jon putting in the dock. You can see the dark clouds that went south of us- causing all those big storms in the cities. We stayed sunny all day long- it was beautiful!
I don't know why I need the swim ring, when I've got my belly! :)