Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Oh, NO! the big 6-0!

This weekend we threw a big party for Grandma. She turned 60! Here is a picture of me and my mommy, and my grandma and her mommy- so 4 generations of Van Overbeke... to celebrate Grandma! Yeah! Grandma opening presents- she got an outdoor weather station for on the porch- I wasn't so impressed- but she liked it and mommy and daddy thought it was nice.
Here I am having some lunch- look at my red cheeks. I had so many fun playmates!
Kellen, Tessa (mommy's cousin Jimmy's daughter) and me all ate together. we shared.
Uncle Josh rented this big bouncy that looked like a bug on top. I was scared of it and didn't go in, but lots of my cousins liked it!

1 comment:

Kasey Noel Rose and Reagan Caroline Rose said...

Fun! I love the bouncy thing...I wish I had an uncle Josh when I was little :(