Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Funny Girl

I've been meaning to put a couple of funny things on the blog that Natalie has said lately- she is starting to come off with the funniest stuff!
1.) John found her sunglasses for her before taking her on a walk and she shouted, "Thanks Daddy! You're the best!"
2.) Apparently I didn't give Natalie enough kisses before leaving for work one morning. Right as I was about to walk out the door, she runs down the hall saying, "Wait, Mommy! Wait! Wait! I need hugs and kisses! Hugs and Kisses!" Of course, she got many before I did make it out the door.
3.) With all the potty training talk, I told Natalie to tell me if she had to go "poopie". She did the other day- I said, "Well, let's hurry to the potty" she said in a sing-song voice "I can't stoooooop it!!!!!"
Funny Girl.

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